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Age: 80
About Me: Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ, Jan Piēru Porunarefu) is a core ally in Stardust Crusaders. He reappears in Vento Aureo as a side character and ally. In Stardust Crusaders, the Frenchman Polnareff travels with Jotaro and Joseph to avenge his sister, who was murdered by a man with two right hands. In Vento Aureo, Polnareff reappears to aid the rebellious Team Bucciarati in their quest to defeat the Boss of Italian gang Passione. Polnareff is a Stand User and wields Silver Chariot. Appearance Polnareff is a man of above-average height and athletic or muscular build. With a receded hairline, he wears silvery hair that rises directly above his head, straight, to a height about half that of his head. He has no eyebrows. He also wears earrings in the shape of jaggedly halved (broken) hearts. When Polnareff was a child, he had buck teeth and large ears. Stardust Crusaders Polnareff wears a fitted black tube top; shoulderless except for one strap running from his chest over his left shoulder. He also wears a pair of light trousers with a pouch tied to the belt. He lost two of his left fingers and all his left toes after the battle against Vanilla Ice.
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